Summer is the time for short shorts, tank tops, and trips to the lake. Theoretically, working out and eating well at the beginning of the year is supposed to help get you ready for those trips to the lake and the bathing suits you want to get into. That’s not always the case and certainly hasn’t been the case for me in a very long time.

I’ve been running and walking almost daily but I’ve hit a wall. I’m tired. I’m tired from a lack of sleep. I’m tired of having to get up early and run. I’m tired of just plain running and even tired of walking the dog at 5 am. I’m tired of the heat which makes it even more difficult to run in. But I’ve been doing it. 2-3 miles on Mondays, 1-2 miles on Wednesdays, and 1 mile on Thursdays. Plus walking the dog every Tuesday and Friday. But I’m worn out. I don’t want to run any longer. I know that running does so much more for me than most other things I can do around here: the stationary bike, punching bag, workout videos. But I might need to find something else to do. I’m having trouble staying motivated and the heat/mosquitoes are not helping.

I have found it more enjoyable the last few weeks while Devin’s been getting up with me to run. And we’ve changed our running patterns which have helped. But sometimes motivating us both isn’t easy. Plus, he’ll be starting football practice and school soon so I won’t have him forever.

Another part of the problem is the diet. I need to cut out more bread and pasta. But we’re on an extremely tight budget and sometimes those cheap items are the only ones we can get. But I’ll continue to work on it. I need more fruits and vegetables…way more. Less bread. Less pasta. Less caffeine. Less sugar. But damn, those are all so good! And I hate vegetables! But I’ve got to do something or all of this running is for nothing.

Sorry, not to be a downer but it’s been a rough summer so far. I’m really looking forward to cooler weather in the fall and maybe even a better update.