I’m not sure any of you care but this is my attempt at a health journal and if it helps anyone along the way, that’s an added bonus. Mind you, I’m not a health nut, an exercise junkie or have any solid foundation in dieting or weight loss. However, since the COVID situation started and our offices shut down last April, it made since to start working on my health. I’ve found that I’ve lost weight and feel better throughout the day. So, it must be working, right?

I was a runner in High School and my first year of college in Texas. I loved it. I loved running. I loved practicing. I loved running hurdles and loved the races and competition. I was never heavy, but I’ve always loved food. Especially since my mom is and always has been an amazing cook.

So, when I stopped running track and didn’t have those daily workouts, it began to show. I would occasionally hit the gym, walk the dogs and/or do some running in the neighborhood but I was never as active as I was then. Then I had kids and time was always a factor. Getting up early seemed impossible. Working out after work was even more impossible. But when COVID shut everything down this past April, I decided to start working out at home full time. I was already doing some ab and arm exercises and stretching daily. But I decided, at that time, to start running again. It’s free, I don’t have to go to a gym to do it, I don’t need a treadmill and I can get outside. But I had to do it early. A 5am wake up call each day. And I have to be careful. I have a floating bone piece in my left foot that causes pain in my Achilles’ heel. Too much running can cause that bone to slice one of the tendons. And it was difficult, but I’ve been doing it ever since while only missing a few days here and there.

When I started running in April, I was only doing a mile 3 days a week, with the Lab, Saydee. It was painful and slow going at first. Each step was just awful. It had been a while. I’ve had a kid since the last time I ran. But I was determined. And it paid off. I was slowly starting to run faster and faster. Then I added an extra running day and increased the mileage. I was running 3.5 miles on Mondays, walking on Tuesdays, running 2 miles on Wednesdays and Thursdays, walking on Fridays and running 1 mile on Saturdays. Sundays are my off days but I still tend to walk both Riley and Saydee, I just don’t usually do it at such a fast pace. It’s December now and I’ve dropped mile per mile average time down from over an 11-minute mile to a 9.25 minute mile. It’s a huge accomplishment. And though I’m only doing 2.5-3 miles on Mondays, I’m still focused on all my runs and walks, even when the temperatures are in the 20’s. Not sure I’ll keep it up all winter since it can get pretty chilly in the morning but I’ll decide either to ride the bike on those days or switch to after-work or evening runs. Either way, I don’t plan to stop.

Running and walking all summer isn’t the end of this story. I’m also trying to eat better and manage my portion sizes. I was part of a weight loss group at work last year that had us keep track of our weight loss. Well, I never stopped tracking it. I figured that this shouldn’t be just a one-time thing and I continued working on it even after the weight loss competition was over. It’s proved to be valuable information as I’ve been able to see the steady weight loss over the last year.

However, trying to manage my diet had been difficult when you’re also financially strapped. Fresh food is always more expensive than something that comes in a box. I get that, but it’s been arduous to stay within a budget while also trying to get the things I need. This has resulted in some up and down weight changes but for the most part, I’ve been highly successful. In fact, I’ve dropped a total of 24.4 pounds since last December. It’s not a lot, but it’s been a steady declined that I’m truly happy with.

I’m going to keep up with my daily routines. I’m going to run in the cold each morning as long as I can stand it. I’ll move to either the bike or after-work exercising if I can’t handle the temps. I’m going to continue to stretch and work out those arms and abs each week. And I’m going to continue to work on what I eat and how much I eat. This also helps to build a great foundation for the rest of the family. Here’s hoping my next update will also be a positive one!