2020 has been a difficult year to say the least. We’re lucky to not be directly affected by covid, but this year still had it’s challenges. But instead of dwelling on the negative, let’s think about the positive. And in light of Thanksgiving being right around the corner, here’s what I’m thankful for:

  1. My family. I love them all. My husband Mike. My three boys Devin, Braden and Austin. My dogs Riley, Saydee and Jojo. My mother-in-law Laura who is always there for us.
  2. My job. It’s nice to know that even with the pandemic, we were able to shift to a remote work environment. It has been great being home to help with kids and work on house chores during my breaks. That has helped so much.
  3. My work friends. They’re all going through their own challenges but they still manage to help out when they can. And that makes so much of a difference.
  4. My health. Working from home has allowed me to spend more time working out and eating better. Don’t get me wrong, I miss the snacks from the office. But I’ve been able to control what I eat so much easier here. And because I’m not having to get ready and physically drive to work, I’ve been using that extra time to work out. This started back in March. I started out running just 1 mile here and there. Now I’m running 3 miles on Mondays, 2 miles on Wednesdays and Thursdays and 1 mile on Saturdays. It’s been a struggle to get out of bed at 5am every morning but I’m proud of myself for doing it. I’ve even lost 20 pounds in the last year. And this is great practice considering Devin and I want to tackle the Memorial Half Marathon in October 2021.
  5. Spending less time in the car. Traffic is a nightmare no matter where you live. But working from home has allowed me to spend less time in the car driving to and from work. It’s been great!
  6. Daycare. I am so thankful for the Small Moments Child Care Center. Austin is a wonderful child but having him here when we’re working and trying to do schoolwork with the older two is a nightmare. Having him in a safe place has been a godsend. We’re so thankful for the care he gets there. And he’s so smart, partially because of the mixed age group they work with.
  7. My parents. They are both the most hard-working people I have ever met. I’m thankful they’ve instilled at least a little bit of that in me. And I’m thankful they’re such solid rocks in this time of uncertainty.
  8. My best friend Elise. I should put her in the family category because she is most definitely family. But she also deserves her own category. I’m so thankful to have her in my life, especially during these tough times. She is always there for us and lends comic relief when it’s needed.
  9. True Potential Football Club. I’m thankful for such an awesome group of young men. Most of whom we’ve been able to watch grow for going on 6 years. I’m also thankful for the parents of these wonderful boys. They’re so supportive. They love to win and they’re competitive but not at the expense of the kids. It’s a wonderful thing to witness.