The year 2020 is almost over. That could be a good thing. But, as the saying goes, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. We all thought 2019 was a rough year and couldn’t wait until it ended. Then we entered into 2020 and the downhill slide began. Let’s hope things don’t get worse for 2021.

There are several things I wish for when thinking of my immediate family. I hope we all stay healthy. I hope we’re able to recover financially. I hope I can continue to work on myself and keep exercising. I hope my kids don’t stress too much over the things we need to stress about. I hope they can go back to school full-time and continue learning as this environment is not helping them right now. I really, really hope things can return to normal. Because this is not normal. I will not accept this as my new normal.

But I also hope things are better for all of us this year. I want there to be an end to this election. Yes, I’m a Trump supporter. And if he didn’t win, fine. We’ve learned to take things as they come and just deal with them. But we also want it to be fair. So, my wish is that the evidence of fraud is looked at and a decision, a fair decision, a right decision, is made.

I want businesses to open back up and for people to go back to work. People want to work; they need to work to be able to provide for their families. Keeping businesses closed and creating poverty and stress is more harmful than the disease itself.

I want kids to go back to school. Not just mine but everyone. Kids learn better in an in-person environment but it’s more than that. They also get access to counselors, food and exercise they may not get at home.

I want people to be able to go back to their churches and other places of worship. We need God and our belief in Him in our lives.

I want America to keep thriving as it was doing before the pandemic. I want business to boom and people to be healthy financially, mentally and physically.

I want my kids to learn about our history even if it’s not perfect. Isn’t that the point? To learn about the past so we don’t make those same mistakes in the future? Toppling monuments and cancelling people out for one thing or another is not how you learn History. America is a great country that should be celebrated.

I want families to be able to visit each other and not live in fear. Grandparents need to see their grandchildren. Siblings need to visit each other. A zoom call is not enough.

I want 2021 to be a better year. I know I say that every year as I’m sure many people do. But we all need this to be a better year. So here’s to 2021!