When Devin was first born (all the way back in 2008!), I had started a little log of some of the funny and cute things he did. As new parents, we thought everything was special and adorable. Well, after reading some of those old musings, I thought it was worth jotting down here. He’s grown a lot since those good ol’ days but it’s funny to see the personality he’s develop now in some of those little things he did back then. I hope you enjoy!

5 Months Old

At 5 Months:

Devin’s first professional picture was taken today at his daycare. He fell off the box (he can’t sit really well yet) but the photographer snapped the perfect smile before he busted into tears!!!

At 5 ½ Months:

I eagerly awaited picking Devin up. I can never get to his daycare center fast enough. I rush in and see him happily playing on the floor, surrounded by toys. He’s sitting there so cute in his brown over-alls given to him by Granny and Papa Douget. I reach down and pick him up, giving him a giant squeeze. I talk to the afternoon teacher, Gabby, a few moments holding him all the while. We tell each other to have a good evening and I walk to the car holding Devin the entire time. I set him in his car seat and off we go. We talk to each other a few moments and he falls fast asleep, snoring all the way home!

He’s still asleep when we arrive home so I set him inside and get the dogs out and fed. I wake him and immediately set him on the floor. He likes to practice sitting and being among all of his toys is his favorite thing to do. Mike gets home shortly and immediately scoops up Devin and sets him in his lap at the computer desk. He gives him a big bear hug and turns to me to ask “What’s in his pocket?” “What do you mean” I ask, very puzzled. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pacifier…someone else’s pacifier…one that’s much too big for him. “Well, I don’t know how that got there!” I tell him. First of all, how did I not notice it was there? Second of all, how did it get there?

Well, I drop Devin off at daycare the next morning and explain to his two wonderful teachers (Shevonne and Robin) what had happened. They laugh and as I pull the pacifier out of my pocket, this poor blonde little boy reaches his hand out with the saddest look on his face. It must be his! Well, I say my goodbyes and head off to work thinking of how funny the whole thing has been.

I return in the evening to pick Devin up and I’m again explaining to his afternoon teacher (Gabby) what had transpired the day before and the poor little boy who was probably heartsick from not having his pacifier. She laughs and says, “Well, he just recently started stealing other people’s pacifiers!” What??? Stealing!!!! Not my Devin. She must be mistaken!

Well, I’m sad to say it’s true. I saw it with my own eyes today. He is 6 months old now and I watched him ‘crawl’ over this poor little girl and steal her pacifier right out of her mouth. First of all, she was mad that someone was crawling all over her and then she had her binky stolen! Of course, she begins to cry and the teacher has to take the pacifier from him. And what’s worse, he already had his own in his mouth!!

At 6 Months (10-17-2008):

I was at Devin’s daycare today describing my little thief to Amber and she added to Devin’s drama. She was holding a baby from Devin’s room one day and needed to put him back. So, she set him in the crib Devin was in. Well, apparently Devin gave her the ‘what do you think you’re doing’ look. He did not want to share his crib with anyone! So, she picked the other child up and moved him. I guess he knows what he does and doesn’t want!!!

At 6 Months (10-20-2008):

Well, my darling is a musical genius. We noticed that he liked one of his toys the most. It’s a Mozart cube that plays 5 different Mozart songs. It has several instrument buttons on it and you can touch an individual instrument or play the entire orchestra. A couple of months ago, he began to play with it. When he’d touch one of the squares and the music begins, he ‘danced’ and wiggled to the beat. When I told Priscilla what he had done, she tells me that children at that age don’t recognize music in that way, so he must have a special gift. Wanting to let him explore this gift some more, I pull out my old keyboard and let him ‘jam’ on it. He loves it and plays on it almost every day. He still likes his Mozart cube, but the piano makes him the happiest.


Priscilla, Devin and I just returned from Arkansas. It was Devin’s first time away from home for such a long period. He was good in the hotel room. He didn’t seem to mind that he was in a totally different place. As long as people were paying attention to him, he didn’t care. He did find a new friend, though. He liked to play with the other little boy in the mirror! I snapped a picture of him-he did it for hours!

15 Months Old

10-25-2009 (18 Months Old):

HE’S TALKING!!!!! I can’t believe it. He’s been talking for a while, adding words every day. And he’s not just repeating what you say, he actually understands what the words mean. You can say ball, he’ll say ball and go get a ball. He also says ‘touchdown’ while throwing his hands in the air. And apparently, he has taught the other kids in the class to do it, too. And the other dads are extremely proud!!

Devin has also learned to give hugs and kisses. He’s so sweet! He’ll grab both sides of your face and give a big slobbery pucker right on your lips. Snot is extra.


Devin is talking.  Here’s a few of the words he first started saying several months ago:

  • Bye-bye
  • Uh-oh
  • Mama
  • Dada
  • Ball
  • Bubbles
  • Happy
  • Hi
  • No-no
  • Hot

Then he moved to more complex words:

  • Touchdown (with both hands in the air!)
  • Dog
  • Bath
  • Mmmmm               

Now he says:

  • Hello
  • Choo-Choo
  • Shoe
  • Hey Now
  • Alright
  • Elbow
  • Two
  • Football
  • Oh Man!
  • Bite
  • Yum-Yum
  • Please
  • Whoo-Hoo
  • Leaves


I dropped him off at school this morning and Ms. Tess asks if he enjoys singing at home. Knowing our background in music and his natural love for it I informed her that he sings at any given chance he is given. Me being the individual I am had to ask Ms. Tess what instigated such a question and she informs me of the funniest story ever.

“Yesterday we had karaoke day and when I asked who wanted to sing, Devin stood up and said, ‘I do’. He stood up and said ‘NOT YET, NOT YET…” Ms. Tess then informs me he then proceeded to clear his throat as if he were about to put on a performance of a lifetime, commands the attention of the entire class and says ‘okay, now I’m ready’ and made up his OWN lyrics to his own song. What an imagination this boy has…

It’s funny, too, because he’s developed such a musical ability. I love looking back on this and realizing it was something he already had.

Devin loves Uncle Brad!

August 15, 2011:

Today Devin asks where Uncle Brad was. I informed him that he only visited for a few days and is back home in New Orleans. Our conversation went something like this:

Dev: Where’s Uncle Brad?

Me: Buddy, he went home to NOLA

Dev: Nuhh-uhh… See, he left his cookies (pointing at the cookie container left by Brad)

Me: No buddy, he left those for us…

Dev: awwww, he so sweet!

So then I proceed with informing my brother of this innocent act and the following conversation occurs:

Dev:  Daddy, whatcha doin (too much Phineas and Ferb)

Me: Texting Uncle Brad about the cookie story

Dev: No, I want the cookies from ‘that girl’ with the…the white thingys

Now the boy is making baking requests from the girl my brother is dating. Who runs this household anyway!

There’s so much more Devin has said and done over the many years since I’ve written this. I’m hoping to keep up with it. Whether I do or not, just know that he’s a wonderful kid with a great sense of humor and q quick wit. Both of which may get him into trouble in the near future!

March 1, 2019

So proud of Devin today. He had a Bill of Rights project for school today. He had to present the different amendments on a poster board in front of the class. He only had to discuss two of them. He chose religion and the second amendment. He was the only student who discussed the 2nd amendment to get it right. Your right to keep and bear arms is to protect you not from intruders but from the government. He said the teacher smiled at him. I couldn’t be more proud and cannot wait to tell my parents!

March 2, 2019

I had my first run today. Braden and I did the Creek Classic fun run and since it was too cold to have soccer games, Devin ran the 5k. He did excellent considering we haven’t been training. (We hope to change that but this winter will never end!!) He was 62nd male overall and was 10th out of 17 in his age group. Braden loved it so much, he wants to do the 5k next year. I also want to do it. And since Parker (from soccer) went with us, he wants to do it too!

The race was at 9, then Dev also had an indoor soccer game at 12:40. He. Kicked. Ass. Can’t believe he was all over that field as much as he was given how well he ran the 5k. He did awesome. The team won 12-5. Devin looked like he could have gone for several more hours. Scored a few goals and had several assists. It was amazing. Of course, he passed out when he got home, but we’re very proud of him. I’m hoping we can all do that race next year. In the meantime, we’re really looking forward to the Memorial 5k run in April. Can’t wait! Also looking forward to Devin’s first track season that starts at the end of March. Should be exciting.

April 8, 2019

Devin turns 11 today! Can’t believe he’s already 11! Well, we’ve had a busy weekend. Soccer games were rained out Saturday but we had Devin’s track meet yesterday. It was his first and was so much fun. I miss those days and that feeling right before running! He did the 100, 200 and 400. Did pretty well in all 3. Actually passed some people in the 100 and 400. Did really well in the 200. There were heats but he got 2nd, 3rd and 4th in his heats. His favorite was the 400 which surprises me. I hated it! Can’t wait for his next meet on Sunday. I believe we go to Norman. Should be cold and rainy though.

Had a very busy weekend. Both older boys had soccer games Saturday and won both games. Devin had a wonderful goal he scored. Evan did well. The whole team did pretty well. Then yesterday (Sunday) was the OKC Memorial Run. Dev and I ran the 5k. Devin did so well! He ran a 29:04. I was a lot slower at 38 minutes. But proud of what I was able to accomplish. Next year’s the 20th Anniversary. They’re giving away special commemorative coins to all who finish. Dev wants to do the half marathon. I do, too, but not sure my foot can take it. And my doctor would freak anyway if he found out I ran the 5k.

Devin and Evan – Track Meet 2019

So after all that (getting up at 4am), we had Dev’s track meet to go to. Can’t believe it but Dev ran in 4 events. The 100, 200, 400 and 400 meter relay. The relay was fantastic. Devin ran the second leg. The baton hand-off wasn’t great. Poor thing had to chase down the third leg who left without him. Evan ran the anchor leg. They came in second! Evan flew past a 7th grader! It was spectacular!!! Check out the video saved to 2019. And though the season is over, Dev has interest in long-distance/cross-country. They start that in the Fall. It’s so exciting!


Out of 4,259 runners, Devin came in 413th…top 10%!!! (I was 1,598th but that’s still good considering. Top 40%!)