I started writing funny or cute incidences for Devin when he was very young. However, in the midst of my terribly busy life, I failed to do the same for Braden. I didn’t start back on these logs until he was over 2. I feel terrible for that but I hope he understands. Plus, I still managed to write down some of the funniest things a kid has ever said.

Braden at Playzone – May 2015

May 31, 2015

It’s sad to say that we haven’t written in 3 years because we’ve been preoccupied, but we’ve definitely been busy. Braden is now 2 and a half and Devin just turned 7. The years are flying by.  Before I forget, I must list the ‘famous’ words spoken only by the Bradertot himself!

  • Frog – FUCK
  • Bird Nest – BIRD MESS
  • Moon – MOOM
  • Doing – DONIN’
  • Tornadoes – TORMADOES
  • Motorcycle – MOSERCYCLE
  • Vacuum – BACUUM
  • Dog – GOG
  • Roger – WOGER
  • Weed eater – WEENEENER
  • Lawnmower – MAMOMER
  • Banana – MANA
  • Phone – PHOME

He also repeats the dogs in a really funny and cute way. Bailey has the typical hound howl – Aroooooh but Braden repeats it as Ah-ooh-dah. Riley barks and growls – RRRRRRRR but Braden repeats it as Rar-Rar-Rar. It’s very cute!

Braden at Small Moments – January 2018

January 30, 2018

Braden: I see red and blue lights.

Mike: Oh yeah, probably a police car

Braden: OR ALIENS!

Mike: What, aliens?

Braden: You know, Aliens!

Mike: …

Braden: Yeah, the big cars that save people.

Mike: Oooooh, Ambulance!

Braden: That’s what I said!

Fishing June 2018

May 12, 2018

Mike took the kids fishing and in the car, Braden says to him that he got to pet a Danny pig. Confused, Mike asks him to repeat himself. Again, Braden says he got to pet a Danny pig. Aiden has a Danny pig and he let Braden pet it. Mike goes, “Oh, a guinea pig!” Now Braden’s confused…but he now knows it’s called a guinea pig and not a Danny pig!

July 17, 2018

Two things happened recently. One day, not to long ago, while talking to Mike, Braden very seriously asks if he can change his name to ‘The Black Panther.” He didn’t say why, just wanted to change it. How cute!

A couple of weekends ago, we were in the car talking about a variety of things and Braden just blurts out ‘hedgehog.’ For no reason. We still blurt it out in the middle of talking just cause!

March 2, 2019

I had my first run today. Braden and I did the Creek Classic fun run and since it was too cold to have soccer games, Devin ran the 5k. He did excellent considering we haven’t been training. (We hope to change that but this winter will never end!!) He was 62nd male overall and was 10th out of 17 in his age group. Braden loved it so much, he wants to do the 5k next year. I also want to do it. And since Parker (from soccer) went with us, he wants to do it too!

April 29, 2019

Had a very busy weekend. Both older boys had soccer games Saturday and won both games. Devin had a wonderful goal he scored. Evan did well. The whole team did pretty well. Then yesterday (Sunday) was the OKC Memorial Run. Dev and I ran the 5k. Devin did so well! He ran a 29:04. I was a lot slower at 38 minutes. But proud of what I was able to accomplish. Next year’s the 20th Anniversary. They’re giving away special commemorative coins to all who finish. Dev wants to do the half marathon. I do, too, but not sure my foot can take it. And my doctor would freak anyway if he found out I ran the 5k.

Nov 5, 2019

We just took our first trip to Texas with Austin. It was for a sad event, my grandfather’s death, but it was also a celebration of his life. He really did a lot for a lot of people. He will definitely be missed.

But I wanted to share something silly. Because Braden has a way with words. We’ve been talking to Devin about giving a 100%. Don’t do things halfway. Don’t do things half-assed. We may have mentioned this on more than one occasion. So much so that when Dev was moving slow, Branden says “He’s moving half-fast.” We cracked up! He, of course, didn’t understand why so we had to set him straight that the saying is actually ‘half-assed’ and to not use it! He’s hilarious!