This is Devin’s first year in the Deer Creek High School Marching Band. He wasn’t sure he wanted to continue with music after having a non-stellar 8th-grade year. He was bored. There was no challenge for him, and even though he was part of OKYO and participated in CODA, there was just no motivation. I convinced him to give it another try. I explained that there is nothing like marching band. It’s a totally new experience, something he’ll never forget.

Well, it may have worked. Not only is he loving it, but he’s actively working on new music. He’s motivated to challenge himself with his CODA competition coming up in November. He’s looking forward to the Bands of America trip to Indianapolis. He’s also excited about OKYO and recently found out that several of his bandmates are also in the Philharmonic group. And to top it off, he may also continue with band next year. I promised I wouldn’t force him, but he’s so talented. I’d hate for him to quit now.

Anyway, I have pictures and videos from various events throughout the marching season. Enjoy!

Antler Pride Marching Band Preview – Aug 2022

Home Game vs Edmond North – August 26, 2022

Home Game vs Ponca City – September 23, 2022 (Homecoming)

Yukon Marching Invitational – September 24, 2022

Home Game vs Putnam City, September 30, 2022

Mustang Marching Invitational, October 1, 2022


Home Game vs NW Classen, October 21, 2022

The medivac coming into the stadium. They were honored for helping to save a football player after a near-fatal crash. They delivered the game ball to the player who is slowly recovering.

The medivac taking off. It was an emotional scene.

Trunk or Treat/OBA Send-Off Performance, October 28, 2022

It was a cold, drizzly night. But the band was amazing. It was so cool to see them perform in the rain. Mike and I know what that’s like. And it’s so much fun!

After the performance, the band met families and friends for Trunk or Treat. Austin had such a great time. He didn’t want to leave!

OBA State Championship, October 29, 2022

Wow! What a show! It was an early day for the Antler Pride. They had to be at the school at 5am. OBA was in Broken Arrow this year and they performed in the prelims at 11:45. Braden was supposed to have a game that day so we were just hoping they’d make the finals and we’d head up to Broken Arrow after the game. Well, due to the rain we had the day before, they closed the fields at ESC. We didn’t find out until 9am. Very little time to get ready. But we piled in the car and headed that way. Generally, it’s an hour and a half drive so we’d be cutting it close. Well, it was just 10 minutes too long. We arrived into Broken Arrow and drove by the stadium as they were playing. We looked for a parking spot with the windows rolled down so we could hear! It sounded amazing but I wished I had been there to see it live. But a friend did send us the video.

This is the second year for Deer Creek to perform at OBA. They did not make the finals last year. Well, they not only made it to finals, but they were the only 6A2 team to do so! (They had to beat out 1 6A1 and all other 6A2 teams to make it!) And they did it with style winning all 3 awards + being State Champs! They placed 10th overall in the Prelims.

  • 6A2 State Champs
  • 1st Place General Effect
  • 1st Place Visual
  • 1st Place Music

It was a long day, though. We arrived at noon, and the announcement of finals was around 4 pm. The finals didn’t start until 8 pm. And there were 12 bands. They finished up at 11 pm. Deer Creek did exceptionally well. And yes, I’m a little biased, I admit that. But they ended up in last place out of 12 bands. 3 of them we’ve beaten before, so the outcome was confusing. And the kids were a little (maybe a lot) deflated. But I’m still so proud of them.

This is from another parent. It’s a great overall view of the show.
This is the video I took. I do zoom in on Devin some.

Here is an aerial video of the entire show. What an amazing view. You really get a feel for what the show is supposed to look like. There. Are. Bunny. Ears.

While we were in the stands waiting for the results, we got an email from the band directors. Because of their accomplishments, they arranged to have a Police and Fire escort. You read that right; while the band made its way to the school, a firetruck and police officer escorted them to the school. What a sight!

It was around 2:30 am. We were already home and in bed. So thank you to the parent who took this video. So awesome!

And here are some more pics from that day.

I am so proud to be an Antler Pride Marching Band parent. I’m proud of the parental support, I’m proud of this band, and I’m extremely proud of Devin. He loves this band. And he’s made so many friends. Great friends. I hope he never stops.

We have one last home game. The last time we’ll see them perform White Rabbit in front of a home crowd. Then it’s on to BOA – Bands of America – in Indianapolis, IN. They will perform with over 100 other bands from all over the country. In Lucas. Oil. Stadium. Where the Colts play!

We aren’t able to go, but I’m hoping we’ll get some video and pictures. And maybe next year, we’ll get to go to their big event.

Home Game vs PC North, November 3, 2022

The last home game for the Deer Creek Football Team was November 3rd. It happened to be a Thursday rather than Friday because we were expected to get some nasty weather. This home game was very special. Not only were all seniors recognized during this game, but the Antler Pride Marching Band was also recognized. They received some major awards at the OBA State Championships and deserved to be honored for those.

It was also an emotional event. It’s the last time they will perform this half-time show during a game. And due to it being Senior Night, their half-time show became a post-game show. Still, what an amazing group of young men and women. What an amazing group of musicians.

Pre Game

Post-Game Show – They Had a Blast!

Bands of America Send Off Performance, November 8, 2022

What a performance! They clearly get better and better each time we hear them. But this time was…WOW! The sound was amazing. Everyone was on point. The drumline was stellar. I cannot wait to see what they do in Indianapolis!

I think this may have been their best performance.

Bands of America – Indianapolis, IN, November 11, 2022

Goodbye Devin! Sending you off to Indianapolis! Have fun!

The Trip to Indianapolis, Practice at the ICC, and Touring the City

In case you’re wondering, here is the breakdown of scores for the prelims:

You’ll notice that Deer Creek came in the 34th spot overall. Out of 99 bands, I think that’s amazing. 34 bands went to the semifinals but because they wanted to make sure all sizes of bands were represented, we didn’t get to go. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but I’m proud of them anyway.

Here are the semifinal results:

Both Mustang and Broken Arrow made the semi-finals. Our band stayed to cheer them on.

And here are the results of the finals:

I did not see the other shows, but I have seen Broken Arrow in the past. They’re simply amazing. And they’re 3rd in the country! What a feat! Congrats to Broken Arrow and the entire band there!

Band of America put together a montage of the bands from this year. It’s stunning. Take a look.

End of The Marching Season

I cannot believe I won’t be hearing this music again. It was a wonderful show, a spectacular performance. I will miss this. It brings back so many memories. And perhaps that’s why it makes me so emotional. Music moves me in such a way I cannot explain. And this music did that for me. The emotion of the performers, the beat, the build-up of the brass, the use of the pipe drums, the trombone and trumpet duet…it all came together so beautifully. I will miss that.

But I’m also excited to see what concert band has in store for Devin. What kind of music will they play? What will their concerts be like?

And I’m still looking forward to next year’s marching season. I love me a good band concert, but marching band is a whole other beast!

Until next year…