I usually don’t take time off for the 4th of July. But seeing as it was on a Tuesday this year, I went ahead and took Monday off. That gave me 4 days away from work. 4 days to do stuff with the kids. And stuff we did!

Friday, after work, we got a quick dinner together and then headed over to New Hope United Methodist Church. No, it’s not our church. But a call went out for Deer Creek trumpets to perform in their 4th of July concert, and Devin came running. He only practiced with them once before bringing home music for his dad to play. They practiced together one time before the concert. But it was enough.

They have never played together. Not like this. And let me tell you, I got teary-eyed. Not only was the music beautiful, but seeing them perform and laugh together was something I’ll cherish forever. It was awesome in every way.

Before the concert, they had inflatables for the kids and food for everyone. It was really cool. And Austin made a new best friend. He even waited at the top for him so they could go down together!

The Music

Star Spangled Banner

Saturday at the Lake

Saturday was a little cloudy, but we decided to hit the lake anyway for the first time this year. We took Devin’s friends and former True Potential teammates with us: Nick and Noah. The 7 of us piled into the Tahoe, which never seemed so small before! And to the lake, we headed. We brought watermelon, sandwiches, drinks, and a few alcoholic beverages and made a day out of it. The older boys bored easily, but we had a blast. Plus, there weren’t very many people considering the holiday weekend. I really do enjoy just sitting out there and relaxing. It was a lot of fun.

Sunday at Tinker Air Force Base

It’s been years since I’ve been to an air show. So long that we were in Little Rock the last time we went to one. So when they said that Tinker was putting one on, and it was the first in 4 years, we had to go. And though it was extremely hot, we had a great time. Plus, we stayed hydrated with beer and slushies. That’s how it works, right?

I’ve seen some comments on Facebook about how this is a waste of taxpayer money. And I can see that. But I also take great pride in our military. It is truly the best in the world. And to get to see how they fly, the machines they’re operating, and the formation they create, brings me such joy. I even teared up a little. It really is amazing seeing the things they can do.

Monday – Braden and I Head Back to the Lake

Mike had to work today. Devin and Noah were too sunburned from the weekend to go back to the lake. Austin was at daycare. So, Braden and I go together. It was good to spend some time with him anyway.

We had great sun but about an hour. Brought drinks and snacks. But we noticed the sky to the north didn’t look too good. It was getting dark, and clouds were rolling in. We kept an eye on it and watched for lightning.

A little while later, it started to sprinkle. No big deal, right? Well, those drops got bigger, and they fell faster and harder. So we decided to pack up. Then all of a sudden, the winds picked up. By the time we got to the car, the wind had blown a layer of sand and dirt all over us. It also blew right into the car as I was loading it.

Well, that was fun!

On Monday night, Elise took Braden to a friend’s house near Guthrie. They own land with pigs and chickens. They have a pool and a water slide. They also put on a great 4th of July celebration. He has a blast. And also wanted to bring home a few animals!

Tuesday, Independence Day

We decided to head back to the lake. This time it was me, Mike, Braden, and Austin.

We once again stocked up on drinks, snacks, food, watermelon, the works. We brought alcohol, but we knew we’d be in the sun for a while, and made sure to take water, Gatorade, and a few energy drinks. And I’m so glad we did. We ended up out there in the sun for 5 hours! But we had a blast. Austin got to play in the water and on the beach with his sand castle toys. We all had a great time.

Tuesday night was saved for fireworks. We were too tired to go anywhere, so we planted ourselves in the chairs in our backyard, grabbed some drinks, and watched from there. It suited us just fine to watch other neighborhoods battle for top fireworks display!

Happy Birthday, America!

What a blast we had! Pun intended! It was a great time to celebrate with friends and family. And to remember why this country means so much and how to cherish it going forward. Happy Independence Day, everyone!