Our travels have been severely limited over the last several years. There are many reasons for this but mainly, the cars are old, and traveling is expensive!

We even missed our usual Thanksgiving trip to Texas to see my parents because Deer Creek had a playoff football game the Marching Band went to. We thought we’d get out there for Spring Break, but that didn’t happen.

Instead, we decided to send Braden and Devin out to help my parents the week after school ended. The weather isn’t too bad, and they could work on things they needed before summer band and soccer start.

I drove the two boys out there Sunday, May 21st, and I drove back solo Monday, May 22nd. It was kinda odd, the quiet. We only had Austin here with us and no evening activities. No soccer. No Taekwondo. No band. No school events. It was so strange. We almost didn’t know what to do with ourselves!

Austin had a great time playing outside. She mainly threw the ball for Riley. And let me tell you, Riley loved it!

Then on Saturday, I was all set to drive back out to Texas solo. I packed a lunch. Mike filled up the car. I made sure I had drinks and snacks ready. But just as I was about to walk out the door, Mike decided he wanted to go, too.

So he frantically showered and packed a few things while I got a couple of things for Austin. I wasn’t so sure about putting Austin in the car for that long, but he did ok. And packing a lunch really helped with the cost.

I had heard from the kids and my parents that the two boys were good. I even got a video from Braden on how to catch a chicken. I think my parents are teaching them right!

But when we got there, I saw them (fakely) tied up and gagged on the couch. It was hysterical, and the kids played it off so well!

We weren’t there long. We arrived Saturday around 4:30. It wasn’t enough time to do much, but we did get to converse a little.

And later, my cousin Charlene stopped by for a visit. It was great to see her. I hope that next time we come, we have more time to visit with family.

So thank you to my parents, who had to put up with all of us. We’re crazy and loud, and I know they like their quiet. But we had a blast!

And we can’t wait to visit again in November! (Better get ready now.)