Do I sit down and write a new year’s resolution? Or several? I’ve tried in the past. You know, the usual: work out more, eat healthy. The lists are endless and usually meaningless. But I do think it’s important to look at yourself and make decisions that will help you move forward, get better and grow. So maybe a new year’s resolution or two isn’t so bad.

New year’s resolutions often fail because the goal is too lofty. If you can’t see yourself reaching the goal, it won’t work and you won’t keep trying to achieve it. Rather than setting a goal that’s too far out of reach, set a smaller goal or several smaller goals. For instance, rather than saying ‘I want to lose 50 pounds this year’ set monthly goals of 5 pounds or even weekly goals of 1 pound. And what happens when you don’t reach a goal. In the past, I’ve struggled with that. If I fail, I just quit rather than keep going. I suppose it’s easier that way. No one wants to fail.

So this year, rather than write down specific resolutions, I’m just going to continue working on myself the way I have the past 9 months. I’m going to continue my workout routine. I’m going to start eating better, and less. And we’re going to work on our financial situation to try to decrease our expenses and get caught up.

I’m not sure where this will take me as these goals aren’t very specific. But I’ll keep writing on my progress and we’ll see how it goes!