The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon is like no other race I’ve ever experienced. I have run both the 5K and the Half Marathon over the past 5+ years and they both are such meaningful races.

For those that don’t know, the OKC Memorial Marathon is a Run to Remember. Remembering the lives lost during the bombing in 1995 and celebrating those that lived. Though we didn’t live here during the time of the bombing, I do remember it from the news at the time and it’s such a meaningful race.

Before the race kicks off, runners stand silent for 168 seconds to honor the 168 people who lost their lives, some children. And during the course of the race, banners with their pictures can be seen. These two things alone are enough to move you to tears. But there’s more. Picture the many firefighters who participate with their gear on. All of their gear. Or witness people who run with an In Honor Of bib with the names of people they’re running for. If you don’t shed a tear at some point during the event, you’re probably not human.

Devin has also run 5K’s in the past and he has been bugging me to run a half marathon since he was old enough to do so. You have to be 12 in order to run that race. Well, thanks to a dear friend at work, we were both able to run the half this year. To make something special even more so, I got to do it with my son who is now 14.

Now, I knew that Devin would cross that finish line before me. My tired old legs can’t keep up with his youthfulness. But this was also his first half marathon and I wasn’t sure how he would take it. The thought was that he’d stick with me for the first mile. Well, as soon as he crossed the start line, he was gone. I never saw him again! Well, not until I reached the finish line. Far behind him, of course.

Speaking of the finish line… I have to say that hearing the spectators cheering for everyone as they cross the finish line is one of the best things ever. First of all, you’re just so happy to be at the end of such a grueling race! Second, the crowds are always huge. How amazing is it that so many people stick around to cheer for complete strangers? What an experience!

Devin and I … before we collapsed
Finisher’s tank and medal – I earned this!