I can’t believe it. Another school year is upon on. The kids have already been in school a week and a half and already so much is happening.


Braden started 3rd grade this year. He’s the big man on campus! Next year it’s off to the 4th and 5th grade center. But for this year, there will be fun, lots of work, testing, old friends and hopefully new friends. We are trying to get hi interested in something…something other than his iPad or Xbox. So far, nothing. He’s terribly afraid of trying new things or being made fun of. But we’re slowly getting him interested in music. Maybe even a MIDI class at the school.

Braden will also be finishing up his indoor soccer season within the next two weeks. Outdoor games start soon so he has already started practicing with his team. There are 6 that have returned so I’m hoping that will lead to some trust on the field.


Devin has a lot going on this year. He just started 8th grade. He is also the big man on campus! Next year he’ll be off to High School. I can’t believe it. My little Devin is an 8th grader. He has a lot going on with school. Academics are the most important, of course, but he also has band and athletics. He’s playing football for the school team (Go Deer Creek!) for the first time. He’s moved positions quite a bit and so far, he’s settled at Tight End. I had him watching Jason Witten videos yesterday! His first game is Thursday. I’m interested to see what happens when he takes his first real hit!

Devin is also doing band through the school. He made the Symphonic Band again this year and placed 4th out of about 13 or 14 students. We’re very proud. He loves it. But there will be a lot more work this year. Covid tampered a lot of events, but the band is coming out full swing this year with more programs and concerts. We’re excited to see him play.

Devin decided to try out for the Oklahoma Youth Orchestra. We weren’t sure he’d make it but we thought it would be good for him to try out. He made it! Apparently, not many 8th graders make the band. We are so proud of him! This means more work for him though. He’ll be practicing nearly every Monday night for almost 2 hours. But I am looking forward to what that could do for his music ability.

And of course, there’s soccer. He’ll be finishing up the indoor season with Team True Potential next weekend. Outdoor soccer starts the same day. We are playing up this year like we did last year, and I can’t wait to see what they’re able to do. We’ve had some great indoor games. I hope it transfers to outdoor. Along with regular soccer, Devin has also enrolled in ODP: The Olympic Development Program. ODP is a program with skilled trainers who will work with the kids to better their soccer fundamentals and get them ready for scouts, high school and college soccer.

So yes, we’ll be very busy people with 2 very busy kids. But I am excited to see what they’re both able to accomplish this year. Academics come first, of course, but I love that they’re active and want to do these extra-curricular activities. Now, I need a nap so I can keep up!