I jotted down little things the kids have done or said over the years and most are pretty funny or just plain cute. Well, I’ve been slacking a lot over the years but decided to pick it back up again as often as I could when Austin was born. These are just little stories I want to remember. They’re very important to me.

Another Texas Longhorn Fan is Coming Home!

January 28, 2019

Little Austin is 10 days old today. Born on Jan 18th at 8:30am. 8 pounds 1 ounce. He’s doing so wonderful. He’s really a great baby. So much so that I hate to type that for fear that it will change!

The older boys are so happy he’s here. They want to hold him and feed him every chance they get but it’s hard when a baby sleeps so much. And we don’t want to wake him! Braden is especially sweet to him and wants to be around him all the time. He’s constantly saying how cute he is and it’s so wonderful to see him so sweet with him. We really are lucky.

Braden is the child who’d very grounded in routine. He likes things done the same way. He doesn’t like change. He wants to know how things are going to go. So, he’s constantly asking Alisha (the home daycare lady) about what’s going to happen when Austin starts going there. He’ll talk to her about it all the way to her house when she picks him up from school. He wants to make sure Austin will be there when he gets there. He wants to make sure everyone knows to be quiet when they walk in just in case he’s sleeping. It’s just really, really cute.

It’s also nice that the older kids are the age they are because they can help out and have helped out quite a bit. From feeding to burping to just holding if I need to get something done really quick. It’s been a blessing. We really are lucky!

February 1, 2019

So, we’re two weeks old today. Can’t believe it! Time really does fly. Austin is doing really well. He’s rarely fussy and really only waked up for food or to poop. He seems to only poop when he has a bottle in his mouth!

I got a few baby toys for him. I can’t wait until he’s able to hold onto them and play with them. He seems to like tummy time though!

We took Braden to school today and somehow got to talking about college. Braden, with his elephant-like memory, remembered that Mike and I met there. So Mike tells him he hopes he meets the love of his life too. To which he replied “I can’t hear you. There’s water in my ears.” What? Where did he hear that! So funny!!! He really is something else!

February 13 – 17, 2019

Papa came to visit! And of course, we had Oklahoma weather, which meant tempts went up and down. It was 70 one day and 34 the next! It got so cold so we decided to stay in with the fire. Papa got to hold little Austin though and he slept so well in his arms. It was very cute! Unfortunately, he did NOT sleep well the night before last. He thought he should be up until 2am. Seems that he’s very tired and wanted to sleep but either hates his bassinet, had trouble pooping or needed to burp. We’ve changed his formula and hope that works. Though we were exhausted, I think Papa enjoyed his trip!

1 Month Old

February 18, 2019

Austin is 1 month old today! Where has the time gone?! It is amazing how much you’ve grown. You don’t look like a newborn anymore. You look like a little old man now! And you’re losing your hair! Just in the front so it really looks like you’re an old man! So adorable. I can’t wait to see what you’re going to look like down the road. We’ve already enjoyed you so much and love watching you do more and more each day. You can recognize our voices. You see things moving in the distant. You hear your brothers playing and the dogs barking. It’s amazing to watch. We just can’t wait for you to grow and move. We love you!!

February 26, 2019

I was tempted the last few days to write something about your lack of sleep. Not so much the number of times you wake up in the night but how long you think you should stay awake after eating when you do wake up. It’s typical for you to eat around 9-11 then be good for several hours. So you’re really only waking once in the middle of the night…and I can handle that! But, you seem to want to stay awake after you have your bottle no matter what I do. Sometimes for longer than an hour. It was two yesterday. It makes everything so difficult. Getting back to sleep. Waking Devin up. Getting things done. I’ve been so tired. But then you give us a great night of sleep. And it may be a fluke, but I’ll take it. You ate at 7 then again at 9 which made me think you were going to make our night hell. I fed you 5 ounces, one more than normal, of formula. Took you until 10 to fall asleep. Again, I was worried. But you went into your bassinet without any issues and I made sure I went to bed too. It was 10:30 and I don’t even remember hitting the pillow! Sound asleep fast!! You slept until 5:30! Couldn’t believe it!!! Even though I instinctly woke at 1:30 and again at 3 (then up for good at 5 to check on you because I was sooooo worried!), I got great sleep. I feel so much better today than I have for a while. It’s nice to get a decent night’s sleep. Again, I’m sure this isn’t something that will happen often for a while, but I’ll take what I can get.

March 10, 2019

Why won’t you sleep?!?! You have a really good night where you’ll sleep for 6-8 hours and then the next night you’re up every 2.5 and fussy and won’t go back to sleep. We’re so tired! We know it will end but we’re not sure we’re going to make it!

However, you do these cute little things that make it all worth it. For instance, I got up with you at 2am Friday night. You ate well and I changed you. You seemed to be drifting off so I was hoping it was going to be an easy night. I was wrong. But as you were drifting in and out, you smiled this big smile and let out this adorable giggle. A giggle! It was so cute! I need to know what you’re dreaming/thinking about. Need. To. Know. Especially since half a minute later you did it again. So cute! Even though you didn’t go back to sleep until 4am and then made dad get up again at 5, it was too cute to be mad! You’re lucky!

Your brothers had soccer games yesterday. Braden’s new team was awesome and he had so much fun. It was finally a pretty day with lots of sunshine. Which would have been good if we had a baby hat for you. We ended up using the blanket to shield you from the sun but the wind was terrible and made everything difficult. Especially when you wanted to eat. But we managed and you seemed to have a good time. Devin’s game was a couple hours later and you slept the whole time. Even when we passed you around to Amber (Nathan’s mom) and Kerri (Jack’s mom.) Didn’t seem to phase you at all!

Then Aunt EC came by and you were already screaming for food but wouldn’t burp. You were upset and spit up everywhere. So we calmed you down, gave you a little more food and dad held you then I held you until you finally passed out. It was at a decent time so we were hoping things would work out. We went to bed fairly early but you were still up at 3 (which is really 2 due to time change.) It sucks. I can’t wait until you’re sleeping through the night. Which could be quite some time. I’m definitely not looking forward to going back to work in two weeks. But at least you’re adorable. And everyone else agrees.

2 Months Old

March 18, 2019

The second doctor’s visit. The first with shots…with us. It’s heartbreaking. Braden came with us and helped. He didn’t like it either. Felt so bad for Austin. But Austin only cried a little. The nurse was great and did it really quickly so almost as soon as she was done, he stopped crying. He’s been fussy today though and we’re attempting to go to Martin Nature Park for his first stroll through the woods. As soon as he’s ready, we’ll all go. By the way, 23 inches and 12.5 pounds! And the nurse was so amazed by his head control. Yay! She said next time we’ll start talking about foods to try. Can’t believe how fast he’s growing.

Update: Martin Nature Park was so fun. The weather was beautiful. There was sun but still cool enough to enjoy. Poor little Austin got a slight sunburn though. Slept almost the entire time in the stroller so he missed most of the journey. Tried to put him in the carrier but he wasn’t happy about that. I figured he’d enjoy that more since he gets to see his surroundings, but I was wrong!

March 20, 2019

Our first zoo trip!! Took Yaya with us and everyone enjoyed it. Though Austin slept through most of it again. We ended up getting him out of the stroller to change and feed him. That woke him up so we had Devin take him around in the carrier. They both enjoyed it! Austin seemed to finally like it and got to check out his surroundings. The sun got to him again though. And the good news is that he slept through the night. Ate at 9:30pm after a bath and didn’t wake up until 6am. YES!!! I guess we need to take more zoo trips…

By the way, after I got out of the shower before the zoo trip I heard Braden talking to Austin. I thought Mike had him but he had given him to Braden so he could run to the bathroom. So I listened a little closer. He was singing Rock-a-bye-baby to him. It was the most precious thing I’ve ever heard/seen. I just wish I could have gotten that on video. It really was sweet!

March 25, 2019

First day of daycare!

It was awful leaving you this morning. Dad fed and took care of you this morning and you fell asleep in your car seat. So when I got you out this morning, you woke up only for me to hand you over to a stranger. I hate it.

Couldn’t wait to pick you up this evening! And you did great! They said you were a little fussy but that’s typical for a first day and you were most likely trying to get used to all the noise. You were sitting in a swing when we got you and you looked so content. So happy about that. And at home you did well too. Seemed happy and ate just fine and actually went to bed early around 9. Let’s hope this continues!!

Tummy Time at Daycare

March 29, 2019

First week of daycare/work is almost over! Austin’s going great in daycare and I really like the teachers. He seems happy. And so far, we’re mostly sleeping through the night every night. He gets up at 3 every night to cry but puts himself back to sleep without a pacifier. But, I’m still exhausted. And we haven’t yet got a good schedule down. And to make matters worse, a couple of nights a week are super busy. Devin has track practice on Wednesday and both kids have soccer on Thursday. It’s been busy! We’ll get there though…I hope.

So, at Braden’s soccer practice, it was super windy. I had to help Braden with something and left the stroller for just a second. Well, the wind took the stroller and toppled it. I was so scared. Braden was scared. I picked the stroller up and got you out. He cried for a little bit but seemed ok. I’m, sure it was frightening since he had been asleep just moments before. What a jolt! But, I think he’s ok.

Then later that night, I was feeding him his last bottle then burped him. I had my glasses on since I was ready for bed. Austin thought that was hilarious! He kept smiling and laughing at me! He must have thought my glasses were so funny! It was adorable! And the first time he laughed like that without being asleep. Man, so cute! Then this morning before school, you kept smiling and doing a really quick laugh. So funny!!

April 8, 2019

Austin has been so much more active. After he eats, he’ll sit there and stare at you and smile. He does this on the changing table, too. And every once in a while, he’ll giggle. Well, it’s more like a cute inhale/giggle thing. So adorable! It’s amazing how much he can do already and how he starts to do more and more things without us really realizing it. It’s so cute! And the older boys just love it. They’ve been so great with him and help out all the time.

April 9, 2019

Austin slept through the night!!!! Went to bed easily at 10, I was in bed by 10:30 and everyone slept so well!!! I had to get up early for a run at 4:30 but it was so nice to get a good nights’ sleep. Thank you Austin!

3 Months Old

April 23, 2019

Are you seriously teething? You’re just 3 months old! Now I’ve read that it can start as early as 2 months but this seems way early. You have some of the symptoms: excessive drool, chewing on hands and even fists, long for the ability to chew on the blanket or anything else you can get your hands (or gums!) on. Orajel is working. Certainly calms you down but so far not sure if any teeth are coming in. I’ll keep you posted!

April 29, 2019

Austin is not teething! Just trying to figure out his hands. He just so happens to keep shoving his entire fists into his mouth. Likes to chew on the blankets, too. It’s really very cute.

May 15, 2019

Austin rolled over last night!!! He had been kind of rolling to his side and finally went all the way yesterday. But what’s funny is that he went from back to front, which is unusual. They say it’s easier for them the other way around since back to front requires more muscle. He’s also been smiling and laughing a lot. It’s been amazing to watch him. He’s so happy. So very happy. And that makes me happy! Parents are coming to visit him. I can’t wait for them to see him.

Happy at my brother’s soccer game!

Jun 17, 2019

Enjoyed our visit with Uncle Brad and Aunt Marissa. It was so good to see them. And they spent a lot of time with Braden and Devin and just fawned over little Austin. Even bought him some cute outfits!

We had our first taste of rice cereal on Friday, Jun 15th. He thought it was so yummy! Did really well with the spoon and everything. Seemed so excited to be in the highchair. We gave him more yesterday and he ate everything! We made it thicker and he did so well. It’s funny that we’re trying to do things slowly but he seems to be ready to do all these ‘big kid’ things. He sees a cup or bowl or spoon or any food items we have and he gets all excited. He seems so ready to move on and I’m not!

So Happy for Food!

Jun 25, 2019

He’s so good at eating! Love rice cereal. And bananas. He’s getting so hungry at daycare, we’re going to go ahead and switch him to baby food during breakfast (rice cereal or oatmeal and fruit), lunch (veggie) and snack (veggie.) He so wants to be like the other kids anyway. Apparently, he’s getting really angry when they’re eating and he isn’t. Now, if we could just get him to sit…

Aug 19, 2019

WHY WON’T YOU SLEEP?! Is it teeth? Your bed? Not comfortable? The food you’re on? I just want to sleep and you won’t let us. Our guess is the teeth. They’ve been trying to break through for a few months now. Swollen gums. Raw. I know it hurts. He doesn’t even want orajel because it hurts to bad but Tylenol seems to have limited success. And we aren’t even suppose to use that. It’s for 2 year olds. Luckily, you’re really cute or we’d be in even bigger trouble.

On a happy note, this is your first full week at Alisha’s. You started there last Wednesday. She’s already got you on a great schedule with food and napping. You love the older kids and they love you too. They keep brining toys for you to play with. You are truly adorable and happy (except when you’re supposed to be sleeping.) Oh, and 7 months old yesterday. How did that happen?!?!

15 Months Old

April 20, 2020

Well, Devin has turned 12, we’re all in lockdown because of covid-19 (homeschooling, working from home), the kids are at each other’s throats, we’re at theirs.. It’s been a crazy time.

But, I wanted to jot this down because it’s not only cute but given the circumstances, we need to some cute (and happy) in our lives. We were at Laura’s house Saturday night and it was a nice night so we were outside. I was teasing Austin with ‘I’m gonna get you!” And he’d laugh and take off. After the first couple of time I said it, he said it back to me “I gonnagitgoo.” It was so adorable! He said it again this morning before he left for daycare. Just the cutest thing ever.

Devin came out this morning before Austin left and Austin was interested in the Hitler book Devin was reading. So he took it, opened it up and pretended to read. It was also the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen!

My kids are cute.

Water Play Day!

June 8, 2020

First of all, wow, 5 soccer games this weekend after having 3 last weekend. They’re cramming them all in as much as possible. Braden had 2 on Saturday in the hottest part of the day. Then Dev had one at 1pm yesterday then Braden’s at 4 then Dev’s second game in OKC at 5. Miserably hot. And poor Austin was in the car seat/stroller or highchair for like 8 hours. Poor baby. But he did pretty well considering how hot and tired he was.

But, it made me think about a few of the cute things he does. Well, says. So, I thought I’d write them down. He certainly learns from everyone. When you hand him things we say “There you go.” So he’s been handing us things and saying “Dee go.” So adorable! And we’ve been saying ‘Thank you’ a lot so he says it too! ‘Da doo!” Kids are so cute! He tried to say the dogs names but they all end up sounding the same.

Our kids are cute.

Austin’s Christmas tree he worked on at Small Moments


Austin is almost 2 and he is talking so much! He says so many cute things. I’m not sure I can list them all but here are some of them:

  • Mamma
  • Daddy
  • Dog
  • Bubba (for Devin)
  • B (for Braden)
  • Autin (for Austin)
  • All the dogs names – Riley, Saydee, and Dodo (for Jojo)
  • Grapa and Mema
  • Hot
  • Hug
  • Cold
  • Book
  • Read
  • Please
  • Thank you
  • Chin and cheek (thanks to Alisha!)
  • Boop
  • And my favorite: Love you!

He’s really, really cute and is learning so fast. I can’t wait to see what else he comes up with!


Mike had taken Devin to soccer practice. Braden went with him. So Austin and I made the best of it. He played blocks in the bonus room then came back in and played inside. At one point, he turned to me, grabbed his leg, and winced. Here was what he said:

Austin: My leg hurts because of growing paintings.

Me: You mean growing pains?

Austin: Yes.

Again, he’s cute!