I want to explain how proud I am of my three boys: Devin, Braden and Austin.

Let’s start with Devin. Devin is going to be 13 in April. And he’s managed to do a lot in his 12 years. First of all, he’s turned into an amazing soccer player. And what’s special is that he seems to love the sport more and more each season. He played in his first Edmond tournament about a month ago and though they had 3 games in 3 days, he wanted to keep playing. I love that he loves this sport so much!

Devin – True Potential Football Club Spring 2020

He also enjoyed his first Deer Creek sport as a long-distance runner. He loved it! He seems to prefer the long-distance grass running over the track running. He went to several meets this year doing better and better each time. It was neat to see him represent his school. Can’t wait to see what he does during Track and Field in the Spring.

Devin – Cross-Country Track Meet at Chickasha Sep 2020

Though he didn’t make the Deer Creek Basketball Team, he’ll be sharpening his skills over the winter season at the Edmond YMCA. I can’t wait to see what he does and I’m excited to see the games.

Devin has also flourished on the trumpet. He made Symphonic band for this year which is a huge accomplishment. Very few 7th graders made the top band. And he recently tried out for CODA, the honor band for central Oklahoma schools. Over 2000 kids tried out from grades 7th up. He placed 7th out of the 7th grade trumpet players. They only took 12 and an alternate. And he was the 1st Deer Creek Student in the list.


Braden is amazingly smart. He’s doing great in school despite being home for most of it. I know he misses his friends. But when he puts his mind to it, he excels. It’s one of the reasons we spend so much time at the Oklahoma Science Museum. He really loves to learn! He also seems to have a real knack for art. The drawings and paintings he turns in for school projects are so beautiful to me. Maybe he has some artistic ability he can use in the future!

Braden is also becoming a great little soccer player. He has a wonderful coach who loves spending time teaching the kids soccer as well as Christian values. We appreciate that. And he’s coming around to the idea that he might try indoor soccer. This would be great for endurance and speed training. Plus, learning to use the wall helps with math concepts like angles and shapes.

Braden – Jaguars Soccer Game Spring 2020


Austin, though not even 2 yet is developing quite fast. He can run like crazy and it’s a cute run, too. But he’s also talking. A lot! He knows names, including the dogs. He can say water, bottle, walk, blanket, packy, read, book and so much more. He’s such a sponge too. He learns something new every single day. It’s neat to watch him grow.

So, I’m very proud of these boys. They’re competitive, yet sweet. Silly, yet smart. And I’m watching them grow up right in front of me. Couldn’t ask for anything more.

My 3 Boys – Playing Around