Previous years have been so hard. More difficult than I care to mention here. But this year was different. We had a damn good year. Mike got a new, high-paying job. I’m starting to settle into the new face of iThemes (SolidWP). Devin is excelling at soccer and band. Braden is excelling at soccer and Taekwondo. And Austin had become a cute, sweet, smart little boy – he started pre-k this year!

This will not be a complaining post like years past. Or a post where we hope to look forward to a better year because the last one was so pitiful. Instead, we’re going to celebrate the things we’ve done this year. And continue to work toward an even better 2024.

First of all, let’s look at some of the celebrations and events that took place, especially the last part of 2023.


Decorating Pumpkins

We love Halloween! We were able to get new outdoor decorations this year and it looked awesome! I’ll be sure to get pics and videos next year. this year was a blur. But we did get pictures of everyone decorating. They had so much fun!


After several years of missing this event, we were so happy to be able to travel to Texas to visit with my parents for Thanksgiving. There was some hunting, some fun, and tons of food consumption!

Florida Trip

The entire family got to go to Florida for one of Devin’s tournaments. It was Austin’s first time on a plane. And, soccer in Florida is huge, so we jumped at the chance. Plus, beaches. Oh, the beaches! It was so much fun. With a trip to the Putt Putt Course with the Coopers to beach time with Latham and his dad, it was a fantastic tip. We even took Evan with us, and we hope he enjoyed his time there, too! We can’t wait to go back!

Nighttime at Anna Maria Beach

When Flights Go Wrong (And You’re So Happy To Get Home!)


Christmas was so much fun this year. From making the Christmas lists (and checking them twice) to watching them all open their gifts, we had such an amazing time. And the food, so much fun to cook. Glad we were all together this year!


Ulmer Family Christmas

We got to spend some quality family time with the Ulmer Family for Christmas. It was a fast trip – there 3 hours and back 3 hours – in the same night. But it was so much fun. Definitely worth it.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, as usual, is a whirlwind. And I neglected to get as many photos as I’d like. Devin tore through his presents so fast that I think we only got a couple. And thank you, EC for the ones you sent me!

Bring on 2024

As you can see from the photos, it was a fun year. We were so busy with soccer, Taekwondo, band, school, and more soccer. But we wouldn’t change it for anything. I am so proud of all 3 of my boys and so glad we were able to spend this time together.

With more band and soccer on the horizon, I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings.