What a year this has been. We ended 2019 thankful that it was over and looking forward to a new and better year. That did not happen. The COVID or China virus started early in the year. Though we tried to curtail it with flight cancellations to China, it still spread. Then enter US lockdowns which tanked the economy. I’m lucky enough to work from home but some aren’t so lucky. Businesses have closed. Sports were canceled or delayed. Schools went remote. That started at the end of last year with failed online classes. It was a disaster. I’m not coming down on the schools, teachers or administrators. It was unchartered water that none of us were prepared for. But, it was not a great learning environment for the kids. Not sure they really learned anything. And there were either tears, fights or both. Finishing assignments was nearly impossible while trying to work. But we did our best.

Move forward to the Fall. Classes have resumed but they’re following an AABBR scheduled. Our kids go to school Wednesday and Thursday but are remote on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. It’s better than the last half of the Spring semester but it’s still a nightmare. I’ve been working and trying to help get schoolwork done and make sure they stay on top of things. We’re holding things together but just barely. And I’m not sure how people in a one-parent household or with one or both parents working out of the home are able to do this. It’s impossible.

My parents lost Newt this year and we lost Bailey. We saw it coming but it doesn’t make the death any easier. I will forever miss her.

We’re also struggling politically. The nation is so divided. Conservatives vs. Democrats vs. Socialists. This is also a nightmare. And to make matters worse, a president hasn’t been elected as of yet. The news has declared Biden-Harris the winner, but the states haven’t made that official yet. And we’re 2 weeks out from the election. There are also accounts of voter fraud that the Trump team is looking into with lawsuits.

I have hope for a better 2021 but if this all continues, I don’t see that happening.