I am a terrible person. I did not get many pictures of the kids this year. Halloween always creeps up on me. This year was worse!

I also didn’t get many Christmas pictures. I blame this on the children who are incredibly fast at opening gifts. There were presents one minute and a huge trash pile the next. Not much time to snap any video!

But I did get a few of Austin, Braden and I decorating Christmas cookies. I even managed to get a couple of short videos from Christmas morning.

It’s Christmas morning!
Austin wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

Thanks to my parents, all 3 of my kids now have harmonicas. Do they hate us? You be the judge.

I also want to share the Deer Creek Football 8th grade JV team pic. This is from October 2021. Devin is in the front row, number 67.

Braden and Elise have joined a Taekwondo class. Here’s a pic from their first class this week.

Elise and Braden – Taekwondo

Another interesting thing…the pumpkin from class. Braden brought home a very small clear plastic cup with two pumpkin seeds in it. Well, one of them grew quickly so we had to transplant it. It’s now in a giant pot in our bonus room facing the window. It loves the sun, obviously, but I need to know what the heck we’re going to do with a pumpkin plant!

Braden’s class pumpkin

One last item, band. We are so proud of what Devin has been able to accomplish with his music this year. He made CODA band again this year and thankfully got to have a live concert. (They didn’t last year because of covid.) Click this link to view and download their performance.

That’s it for now. I’ll try to do a better job of getting these updates out sooner!